Sunday, October 26, 2008

Journal Five: Revisiting Bloom

In my teacher training program, I remember Bloom's Taxonomy well as I thought it made perfect sense. There are higher level learning skills that cannot be met unless we stretch the educational activities for our students. I know that in several of the articles we read, teachers should strive to meet some of the higher level objectives. I am also reminded of the Grappling Technology scale that looks to integrate higher learning into internet or technology projects. The goal is getting away from technology for technology sake instead of truly meaningful technology projects. Below is the Grappling scale:

Also I have included a link from Kent State University with an explanation of Bloom for further review:

1 comment:

Paula said...


Thank you for including those links. I especially found Grappling’s description of thes changing role of students in online learning to be valuable: “ Student roles expand to include explorers ,producers of knowledge, communicators and self-directed learners” – very well stated.