Sunday, October 26, 2008

Journal One

For my assessment class we are reflecting on the use of blogs for online learning. I had created some work on webpages and wikkis, but had never created a blog. It seems like a good activity for reflective journaling and for sharing information and ideas with collegues. Several articles point to the use of interactive communites as a burgeoning assessment option for regular and online classes.

1 comment:

Best Teacher EVER said...

Hi! In an effort to be more tech savvy, I too created a blog for my students. I haven't introduced them to it yet, but I have been using the content in my classroom. After posting one night, I discovered yours. I think it will be fun to follow yourwebiste since you are in school now. Even though I only graduated eight years ago, I feel behind with the times. I look forward to some more tech savvy posts from you!